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Fight For Your Right To Paaaarty

´n bisschen Luft ablassen und unterschwellige Botschaften generieren.. :-)
Das zweite Lied, an dem ich mich auslasse, kommt von den Bondi Hipsters: Fuhck the Bahnks

Fuck the banks they're all dead to me Fuck capitalism and democracy Fuck tax, and the country, and the GDP Just fuck the whole economy Fuck anyone who works in the CBD Fuck anyone who went to university Fuck the reptilian dinesty And fuck the whole illuminati The lizard people watch with their all seeing eye Atop skyscrapers, infinity stories high Spitting on us from the top of the towers Flying first class getting goldern showers Such is the life of the affluent you can get peed on by a flight attendent You can go stab a dolphin at the cove You can wank on an owl at bohemian grove BOOM BOOM BOOM that's the sound of a truth bomb Ring-a-ding-ding that's Barrack Obama's intercom Get Dom and Adrian off the waves Coz we're dropping truth bombs like it's the end of days The United Nations of the new world order calcifying your third eye Putting flouride in the water Don't believe everything you see on the news Dom and Adrian are dishing out the brutal truths On the dark side of the moon there is an alien space station broadcasting a signal to the earths population You're just a hologram living a holographic life and there is no such thing as anything You're not even alive And if all the agenda of the thirteen families Munipulating markets towards the one mores currency Dumping chem trails causing infertility And the mother fuckers have the gaul to call that shit a conspiracy And to lending to lenders to reinvest your investmants Reinvest reinvestmants to fund elections for presidents Who amend the amendments that will decay your intelligence Welcome mother fuckers to the age of aquarius BOOM BOOM BOOM that's the sound of a truth bomb Ring-a-ding-ding that's Barrack Obama's intercom Get Dom and Adrian off the waves Coz we're dropping truth bombs like it's the end of days. Spend my lifetime gathering bling, but money isn't even a thing An abstract collection of dollars and cents, but I can't even pay the rent The 1% are managing the frequency, limiting your creative capacity Using MTV and fuck channel E to make you want to be, what they want you to be Not me Fuck the ecultast celebrity, fuck Miley fucking Cyrus and Fuck Jay-Z Fuck Rupert Murdoch and pay TV I download all my shit for free Fuck ownership and fuck copyright Fuck coke and pepsi and fuck off sprite Fuck the 1% and their backwards thinking Fuck the lizard people with their sideways blinking Now I'm not looking for sympathy, but it fells like the system is fisting me So just because I want to pursue the arts I've gotta live off my daddy's credit card? And now what I'm supposed to do the 9 to 5 Just to cover the costs of the costs of life? I won't get on my knees and suck a managers knob Just to be another another dickhead with a full time job BOOM BOOM BOOM that's the sound of a truth bomb Ring-a-ding-ding that's Barrack Obama's intercom Get Dom and Adrian off the waves Coz we're dropping truth bombs like it's the end of days. When will I get my golden ticket abord the illuminati spaceship Currently in an existential crisis Will I ever get to fuck Miley Cyrus

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