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Finally, we built our first greenhouse on the land

In this video, we're sharing a significant leap in our homesteading journey - the construction of our very first greenhouse on our land! Well, it's more like a small poly-tunnel, but hey, it counts! From planning to completion, we documented every step of this exciting project to bring you along on our adventure towards a more self-sufficient life. This greenhouse is going to create a year-round growing space that allows us to extend our growing season, increase our food production, and get one step closer to food security. And honestly, we’re finally going to propagate A LOT of plants for our food forest! In this video, you'll see: • How we chose the perfect location for our greenhouse. • Step-by-step construction footage, showcasing the challenges we faced and how we overcame them. • Tips and insights for those of you inspired to start your own greenhouse project. We hope this video inspires you to take your next step towards self-sufficiency, whether it's building a greenhouse, starting a garden, or planting your first food forest.


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