Why are there Giants in South America on Old Maps?
Auch wenn es in späterer "Zeit" dann hieß, dass es dort KEINE Riesen gäbe, sind die Aufzeichungen aus früheren Zeiten wichtig, weil: wie wir wissen hat die Kirche udn ihre Unterbehörde die Universitäten alles getan um die Geheimnisse des Mensch-Seins auszulöschen...
“The existence of giants here is confirmed” this was written in a letter to the French Academy of Sciences in 1766 by Dr. Matthew Maty, the secretary of the British Royal Society He was referring to the confirmation of giants at the southern end of South America by English explorer John Byron..but reports of giants in this part of the world went back more than two centuries.
Abnormally large human skeletons have been found deep in Lovelock Cave. See more in this scene from Season 4, Episode 20, "The Weird Wild West."